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Drawing II

On January 9, 2023, the students in Drawing II began an invigorating new project that forces them to rely on touch, rather than sight. This ongoing project is unlike any other that would be found in an art class. Each student has their own brown paper bag that was filled with random objects selected by an art student not in the class. This project requires them to put their hands in the bags without looking, and draw the items in […]

todayJanuary 25, 2023 51


Basketball Homecoming

Freshman Dylan Durcholz listens as Sophomore Connor Fair explains how to put the metal frame for the backdrop together. On the night of homecoming, the court sits in front of the backdrop to have their picture taken, so student council members know how important it is to set the backdrop up perfectly.   Senior Abby Kidwell folds a sheet to set up the seating for the homecoming court. The bleachers are covered in white and purple sheets to make the […]

todayJanuary 25, 2023 62 1


Basketball 2023

The Wildcats won against Evansville Christian on January 13th. The score was 42-23 Jasper with Carlee Rogers as the leading scorer. Rogers has started varsity her Freshman and Sophomore year. She has put in endless hours of practice to better her technique and the team in general. This year the girls basketball team introduced a new coach, Coach Manners. Rogers says “She has pushed us this year more than we have ever been pushed before, We can all see the […]

todayJanuary 19, 2023 19